Artificial Intelligence Contributing to the Society

Technology has come a long way and has added much value to the society. On one hand where people are worrying about how innovations like AI and Machine learning replacing humans, the other hand some other story to tell altogether. We say, let’s explore what is happening right now! What is technology doing for us right now! Software development experts at Helios Solutions have some insights for you.

Well, instead of worrying whether AI will take our jobs, we should be applauding all those innovators who have realized the potential of Artificial Intelligence and using for the higher purpose. Yes, Artificial Intelligence is among the emerging innovations that will be adding to the wide spectrum of new age technologies and enabling people and their ideas.

Enabling the Disabled

A very special innovation for the special people of the world, AI is indeed helping the disabled to live their life with more colors. The machine learning is now allowing us to identify specific elements and visualize sound effects. This has helped individuals with impaired hearing visualize sounds and enjoy listening. This is indeed a huge contribution to the society. At the recent Google Cloud Next Event, the new video intelligence by Google – API announced that they are using high tech models that can identify specific elements in videos like smile, water or species of animals. With the help of AI and Machine Learning, it is becoming possible to provide online content to the disabled. Most Outsourcing Web Development Companies are now looking at this side or Artificial Intelligence, Big data and Deep Learning.

Intelligence for Health & Wellness

Machine Learning backed by Artificial Intelligence is adding much value to the society and its people. These innovative ideas are leading to hardware technology that is helping anthropological aspects. Here, the medical industry is benefitted on a large scale. From clinical equipment to fitness wearables, users are choosing technology to stay healthy. Clinical assessments and lab test are using innovative technology instruments to get accurate results. Wearables have become just another thing for millennial.

Empowering the Education Sector

From chalk and board to Smart Classes, times have changed due to advancement in technology. There are different learning styles being introduced where the online world is playing a very important role. Here, Machine learning is meeting the needs of making things more convenient for students to gain any type of learning where Big Data is adding value to these styles. As a result, students are able to learn and grow by selecting their preference according their traits. This leads to better response and interest level from the student and an opportunity to learn and evolve further.

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Psychological Help

In this digital era, people are growing more and more sensitive and insecure of their being. The social networking and constant societal pressure is leading to more mental stress. This has led to a need to cure psychological disorders. For this, AI is contributing in assessment. Many gadgets help in identifying psychological patterns and helping people to make their lives better. It is helping in combating negativity where suicides and other such tendencies can be avoided. Innovators have built predictive models that can help in fighting these psychological health problems. Companies like Facebook are already working on this with effective data mining techniques.

Few Interesting Innovations:

  • Tesla’s Autopilot & Self Driving Cars
  • Google DeepMind & TensorFlow

AI – The Future

The pattern recognizing ability of AI is indeed better than humans today. And tomorrow we can expect AI to be part of every aspect of the society where we will see it enable mostly all parts of our lives. It will empower us while disrupting the technology industry. Of course there is a suspected downside of AI but also a upside to it. It is how we humans are able to handle it and how well we are able to utilize it. Many software development specialists are now exploring AI and related technologies to enable businesses globally. In future, we will see AI systems perform tasks that we thought only humans could do! But the reality at the moment is that it is letting humans do some amazing things.


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