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Mobile app market is at its peak and is expected to be there for some more time in coming future. Companies are doing lots of research to predict that app market in Europe is expected to achieve growth up to $16.5 billion during next year.

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European economy based on mobile app is getting established with a steady rate. Few companies are finding it hard to cope up with the increasing demands. Asian app market is coming up with a much faster rate. This is alarming condition for European market. Smart phone sales in Asian countries mainly India and China are continuously increasing and they will reach upto three times of sales in Europe during last year. These countries are expecting 400 million new customers during this year. So mobile app companies in Europe must take a note of this and engage some resources for studying and marketing their services in Asian markets. With increase in customers, all brands-big or small will be eager to create their apps or mobile ready websites and allure new as well as old customer base. Smart phone users are going to be prime customers for any local or global business and they just cannot afford to ignore their presence. As report says in Europe new smart phone users have made more purchases than the seasoned ones. Looking at this previous experience, new customers are good target for all brands.

This is good news for European app economy as it has chances to grow further. However, app companies are going through the problem of developer and expert shortage. In spite of this, companies are doing well and expected to perform better in coming days. Few other observations from the report are –

Size of App Contracts – App developers in Europe are currently working more on contract basis than developers from any other countries. They are generating around 31% revenue by contract development. This figure is satisfying and trending towards increase.

Enterprise Development – Businesses running for providing enterprise solutions are also expected to grow up to $58 million during next two years. These businesses are prime players in the app economy market.

Looking at the above facts, it is clear that there will be tremendous developer jobs available in app development field. As per research report predicts that around 670,000 posts will be available in European app market.

We are professional Mobile Application Development Agency in India specializing in the creation of Mobile Application Development services to small, medium and large sized businesses around the globe.

Do get in touch with us if you want to know about Mobile Application Specialist and projects in more details

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