iOS 9.2 Review – Hottest Update Just Got Even Hotter!

Making news in the year 2015, the most popular operating system has yet another update in the latest version. All those iPhone 5 users, you have something extra for your already hot and happening smart device. Apple Corporation always manages to please their users with free updates, check out how this update has something even more pleasing for you:

After many complaints like problems with contacts viewing, battery drain issues, audio and Wi-Fi problems from users using iOS 9, the network has come up with another update to resolve these issues. We think they have met with most of the issues. Take a look!

(For those who don’t have the time to get into the depth)

  • Pro-Active: Provides with a shortcut for contact and application based on the behavior.
  • Split Screen Mode: A split screen mode enabling multi-tasking for iPads
  • Maps: A ‘Transit’ options in Apple Maps, enhancing navigation experiences
  • Fonts: You get a better font to use, giving you an experience of better look and feel
  • Battery: A longer and better battery life where if your phone is placed upside down it will not turn on the screen even if a notification pops.
  • Siri: She is enables with an extra language support – Arabic Language Support
  • 3-D: The touch effects with 3-D in your iPhone will be much smoother with this upgrade
  • Notes: Notes is enabled with a ‘Share’ features, where you can share a map, embed in a doc via iCloud.

iOS 9.2 Features:

Improved Music Application

With this update, the operating system has awed us yet again. This upgrade brings you a brilliant feature where you can directly download tracks from iCloud Music Library. Isn’t it amazing! All you have to do is tap ‘iCloud Download’ button. Get the best of music with just a ‘tap’ and revive your playlist today. For this, you need not connect your phone to iTunes to transfer songs. An indicator in iPhone will help you differentiate between the files that are local and one’s that are in the cloud. Also, the music application is enabled with the improved feature of creating a new playlist while you are adding a song to your phone. Of course this features avails with ease in using the application and takes less time in creation of a playlist after you add the songs.

Bring them (Your Photos) Alive

Are there times when you click a picture and then you feel that I wish I pressed the button just one second earlier or later, especially with photos that capture natural movements? Yes, now Apple technology avails its users with video recording of 1.5 seconds before and after the photograph has been clicked. We were really pleased by this feature and the photographers are feeling blessed! This feature is called ‘Live Photos’ and comes with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Before the iOS 9.1 update, this feature detects the movement of the phone and avoid recording the recording if the phone is moving. Yes, with this feature, your ‘Live Photos’ get better! Capture those moments in their most perfect timing!

News Gets Better!

There are many features that an iPhone enables you with, for many reading daily happening around the world every day is important. The news application by Apple is highly customized to work according to your needs. It is said to look more like Flipboard where it will adapt to your feed and draw your favorite articles to your application instead of you having to visit the publication page. The article downloads quickly to your application. The catch here is that the content does offer you varied category and you can’t expect all that to be listed in the application, but you may find all that in the ‘Explore’ section. Ask the iPhone specialist for how you can use this feature for your business.

Enhanced ‘Mail Drop’ Facility

The mail drop facility has existed in the OS X version. This feature is now available for iPhone and iPad. It allows the users to send large files and storing the same to the iCloud where you enjoy space up to 5 GB and it provides the receiver with a link to download/open the file. With this update, this is an automated feature, if you are sending a mail that contains a file larger than 20MB, it pops up notification saying if you would like to send the mail using ‘MailDrop’. There is a small glitch here, if you are sending a video attached to your mail, and then iOS compresses the video and then sends. In case you are sending from the Photos, then you it will not compress the file before sending. Understand ‘Cloud computing’ better with Outsourcing iPhone India experts.

Siri – Your Personal Assistant is Smarter Now

With the new update, Siri also gets hotter. Because smart is hot! Siri gets smarter thus hotter! Yes, this upgrade improved Siri for you. She now adapts to what you are doing, your events. If you in a meeting, you get a notification, you can tell Siri to remind you later. This will create a ‘Reminder Complete’ with a link back to the original inbox. Also, now she will guide you on location based queries also. Enjoy directing your digital personal assistant.

If you thinking of developing an application for iPhone or iPad, you must take all the advantages iOS updated features. We at Helios Solutions are mobile application specialists and enable you with solutions that let your business perform efficiently on mobile. It takes a different approach to develop for a mobile platform, so let the experts take care of it, talk to our project manager right away: , tell us your requirements and we will take it from there. Upgrade to the new version and explore these features now.


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