The Helios Blogs

Bridging the Cultural & Communication Gap

Desktops are still important at workplace as well as at home. However, they are not the most used and popular place for web usage anymore. Because a vast number of people use their mobile devices to find content, make purchase, etc. even the web designers have taken a responsive and intuitive web design approach.

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Let us have a look at the mistakes designers make when designing for mobile:

Offering No Value With Forced Registration:

Make registration a thing that feels natural. Instead, engage them with the content first. Forcing them to registration without anything to offer will make them annoyed and leave the site without going any further. Hence, it is important to give them something before asking for something.


Feature Overload:

An app’s duty is to make the user’s life easy, by offering them with something they desire. It is important to focus on something that really matters, present only the most important functionality. Now is the time to think “Less is More”. Serve the immediate needs of the users.

Heavy Images:

Images should be optimized to fit various screen sizes and resolutions. Heavy images affect page performance and eventually its conversion rate. This is a very important factor to consider while designing the app for mobile devices. Slow loading app will definitely be ignored by the users and never be used by the same user again.

Using Intro Animations:

Using quirky animations may be nice sometimes, however it is important not to overdo them. Technically, most of the intro animation starts after the app is loaded. Hence, this will delay the user from accessing the app. Therefore, it is very important to make the animation responsive, quick and appealing; if at all anyone is going to use them.

Priority to Testing:

Before launching the site, it is vital to test the performance of the website on different screen sizes, to be assured of its loading speed, screen layout, navigation friendliness and overall performance. Google analytics can help see the different web browsers that are in use for accessing the website. Testing the site would reveal whether the website works better for users of all devices and browsers. This will help take appropriate measures to breach the gap

Google has already been specific that it would rank mobile optimized sites higher than that of sites that are not mobile friendly. This makes it a must to design a responsive site and consider the above mentioned points before doing so.

Contact us for if you are looking for Responsive Website Development and we will help you acquire the best possible solutions to your requirements at

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