WordPress 4.4 Candidate Release, The WAIT has One more step to go!!!

This end of the year is bringing us many big releases, after Drupal8 and Magento2 releasing their new versions, WordPress is not left behind in the race. To everyone’s curiosity, the RC (Release Candidate) updated is certainly making news. Still in its testing stage, WordPress 4.4. was introduced on the 25th of November 2015, the release candidate is available for testing. The final production deployment version will be out by 8th of December, 2015.

Release candidate is the build release internally to check if any critical problems have gone undetected into the code during the previous development period. Release candidates are NOT for production deployment, but they are for testing purposes only – As defined by www.tutorialspoint.com. Ask a WordPress Specialist to know more.


Release Candidate means that they will be updating the refined version very soon. This will include the verification of installation and testing the critical workflow against the release candidate version. Yes, it is shaping up to an amazing release.

Few Insights of the RC Release:

New Embedded Features:

The new features are expected to make WordPress web experience even better. You get to work around embeds with new function for retrieving and displaying embeddable content. With just filters, you can customize and understand how it will appear when it is embedded somewhere else.

The REST API is here:

Rest API means when a platform uses REST architecture which contains the XML file describes and uses desired content. It is a layered system and offers cacheable and uniform interface. With REST API integration, building with WordPress becomes even better.

Image Insertion

WordPress will be coming with sizes in the image tags and using the display filter you have enable image tags. These attributes the <img> tag allows browsers to choose the best suited size for the image and download it. This will aid in saving bandwidth and control the speed of the page load times. Also, you get new functions and additional default image size to create responsive images.

Taxonomy Tranquility

The series of releases are being done in order to release WordPress with taxonomy system. This system introduces meta term – a new WP_Term class. You can host it under new hoods. Taxonomy system helps in grouping a mechanism i.e. linking or customizing post types for other posts. These groupings are called terms. This structure can be constricting for large websites.

Handles Multisite Structure

This update will offer more than you can imagine. The update is bringing features that can give momentum to multi-site development with WordPress. This feature also gains a new class – WP_Network. This will enable the developers to use multiple networks. It is expected that there will be a few new hooks and notable bug fixes. If you are a developer who is using WordPress for Mutilsite environment, then this feature will make your work much more convenient.

Super Headings

With this update, your admin screens will be more appealing. You will have to update your custom admin to get the new heading structure. This will help the assistive technologies like screen readers. Let those heading shine. WordPress in the new highlights is giving us much in every area.

What does it have for the Developers?

The developers are going feel blessed with the newly improved features for building a website with WordPress open source platform. Here, is what you will get:

  • Functions and Hooks
  • Customization of the Output
  • Other Improvements in Embedding
  • Disabling the Feature (Enhanced Embedded features)

What does Helios think?

The Candidate Release(RC) so far looks extremely promising! The embedded features are adding stars to the open source platform. The taxonomy features will allow development suiting any type or size of development and building will become convenient. WordPress keeping up to their standards, again proves to become the easiest and smooth platforms to build and design websites.

This year they are releasing a new default theme which they will be calling the Twenty Sixteen, which is a brand new theme built with WordPress 4.4. So ensure after you update to this version, you have tested your plug-ins to function with Twenty Sixteen.

If you want us to help you out with it, all you have to do fill this form https://www.heliossolutions.co/connect-with-us/ and hire a WordPress developer , and we will get in touch with you shortly. If at all you are preparing to update to the new version, just post us an inquiry, get a quote now. For the record, we are really gooooood with WordPress development and our team is constantly evolving. Outsource WordPress Development and get the most pleasing websites for your business/ profession. We can’t wait for the final version release; see you then with the update review. Until then, Stay updated!!!


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